Heartland Earthworks Conservancy

Advancing the Preservation of Ancient Earthworks in Southern Ohio
A remarkable profusion of mysterious earthen enclosures built in geometric patterns are clustered in southern Ohio. The most impressive were built about two thousand years ago by an impressive civilization that archaeologists call the Hopewell Culture. The Heartland Earthworks Conservancy exists to further the protection of these historical sites.
Our Latest Work and News
Archaeologist Jarrod Burks is New HEC President
One of the founding HEC trustees Dr. Jarrod Burks has been elected the new board president for Heartland Earthworks Conservancy. Jarrod Burks is a professional archaeologist who works for a private archaeology firm in Columbus, Ohio. Jarrod received his PhD and MA...
HEC Director Interviewed on WBEX Radio
In October 2013, reporter Kevin Coleman of WBEX radio in Chillicothe interviewed HEC director Bruce Lombardo about why Ohio’s ancient Native American earthwork sites are important. Bruce had just finished presenting his PowerPoint program on the topic to prominent...
HEC’s Fort Ancient Event Provided Unique Opportunity
Twenty participants registered for HEC’s special event at Fort Ancient on June 29, 2013. Archaeologist Dr. Jarrod Burks, HEC’s Vice President, offered a powerpoint program in the museum that showed many of the images created by his geophysical survey that discovered...