Heartland Earthworks Conservancy

Advancing the Preservation of Ancient Earthworks in Southern Ohio
A remarkable profusion of mysterious earthen enclosures built in geometric patterns are clustered in southern Ohio. The most impressive were built about two thousand years ago by an impressive civilization that archaeologists call the Hopewell Culture. The Heartland Earthworks Conservancy exists to further the protection of these historical sites.
Our Latest Work and News
Hike to Glenford Fort Hilltop Enclosure
WHERE: Perry County, Ohio, near the towns of Glenford and Somerset WHEN: Saturday May 9, 2015 TIME: 10 am to 3 pm COST: Free of charge, but advanced registration required. DIFFICULTY: Rugged off trail hike with significant ascent, about 2 miles. Join HEC...
Remembering Dr. N’omi Greber
This week Dr. N’omi Greber, an advisor to the Heartland Earthworks Conservancy, an accomplished Hopewell archaeology scholar, and a dear colleague passed away. N’omi was more than a colleague to most of us, she was a mentor, a friend, and a kind heart. Her research at...
Coalition Closes on Junction Group Earthworks
Early in 2014, the Heartland Earthworks Conservancy heard that the Junction Group Earthworks were going up for auction. With only three weeks notice, HEC leapt into action and mobilized a coalition of conservation organizations to spread the word and raise funds to...